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Frivolitès II

33 x 31
80 x 73

Fascinating cut-out collages that radiate the magic of haute couture.
Each motive presents itself as a never wilting bouquet of flowers or glowing butterfly.
acrylic glass, depth 2 mm glossy

33 x 31 cm (Dimensions extérieures)


Fascinating cut-out collages that radiate the magic of haute couture.
Each motive presents itself as a never wilting bouquet of flowers or glowing butterfly.
acrylic glass, depth 2 mm glossy

80 x 73 cm (Dimensions extérieures)

2019 / 2019 / CLC20 Créé en 2019 / Publié dans 2019 / Non. CLC20 CLC20
TVA incluse plus CHF 12,90 de frais d'envoi