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60 x 60
Sur demande

RONDO from the Zieta Studio mirror collection is a decorative manifesto of the iconic FiDU technology, a sculpture-mirror in which reality is reflected in a slightly different way than usual.
RONDO is made of high-gloss polished stainless steel. Its simple form resembling a round totem is the result of experiments with the material and its properties. It reflects light and gently deforms the surrounding space. It is a functional and artistic object at the same time – a three-dimensional mirror-sculpture, in which reality itself produces painterly reflections.
Dimension: Ø 60cm, Depth 6cm

60 x 60 cm (Dimensions extérieures)

2019 / OZT07 Créé en 2019 / Publié dans / Non. OZT07 OZT07
TVA incluse plus CHF 14,90 de frais d'envoi